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Regulation 12 – Submission of Information to the Local Authority

Q.1 Can further clarification be provided on the Food Waste Management Implementation Report requirement?

Answer: Regulation 12 provides that a Food Waste Management Implementation Report will only be asked for when a producer does not produce satisfactory information to a local authority that they are managing their waste adequately in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 7.

Q.2 Can further clarification be provided on the Annual Environmental Report requirement?

Answer: Regulation 12 provides that a local authority may request a producer, by notice in writing, to furnish an Annual Environmental Report for the previous year by 28 February of the following year.

Regulation 12 requires that the Annual Environmental Report is of adequate scope, detail and standard to comply with the specific provisions of Regulation 12(9).

Q.3 What documentation must a producer maintain to comply with Regulation 12?

Answer: The producer is required to maintain, in case of inspection by the local authority, the documentation used in the preparation of the Food Waste Management implementation Report and an Annual Environmental Report.